Happy Birthday, Triangle Green Cleaning: What a Beautiful 8 yr. old
Posted on September 3rd, 2015 by Enovana Green Cleaning

It just hit me this week that we have a birthday on our hands. Triangle Green Cleaning turns eight this week, and I have to say, what a beautiful eight-year-old it is!
Before you think I’m getting vain as the owner of this company, hear me out. Running a company that has achieved the size of Triangle Green Cleaning in eight short years isn’t down simply to my leadership. Quite the contrary, actually—it’s due to a lot of factors, contributed from lots of people.
I like to think of running a young company like raising kids—it takes a village. With our kids, we’ve seen the impact from our families and friends, not to mention all of the teachers, babysitters, doctors, nurses, and many others who’ve helped our kids grow up into people that make us so happy every day. It’s been very much the same with our company, here at Triangle Green Cleaning, too.
Here, we have some great people behind the scenes—our management team—keeping the whole operation humming, making sure that we grow at the right pace to match the needs of our customers across the Triangle. And you know we’re proud of our employees. We won’t shut up about them, because we truly believe that they are the best at what they do—committed to excellence, in terms of both quality work and relating to their customers on a weekly and monthly basis. They display on a daily basis a genuine care for our customers, and we can’t help but attribute much of our growth to our awesome team, just as we do to our incredible management group.
But the biggest group that makes of the village—and we’ve mentioned them a few times now—are the customers themselves. We’ve watched our customer base grow from, obviously that first family home we ever cleaned for actual money (!) eight years ago to hundreds of families’ homes today. That’s not just the result of our own hard work and attention, but I can’t help but think it’s also because of the kindness, loyalty, and genuine generosity of the people here in the Triangle. People in Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Cary, and the surrounding communities crave the opportunity to support the owners, managers, and employees of local businesses. The proof is undeniable, and I’m humbled by it every day when I wake up and go to work with my team.
So on this happy occasion, when I look at my beautiful eight-year-old, Triangle Green Cleaning, I have a lot of people to offer my gratitude for helping me grow this company: my managers, my employees, and my customers—and there are many more mentors and advisors, too that continue to help us try to match the enthusiasm that this community has for a healthy, environmentally-friendly service.
Thanks, and happy birthday, Triangle Green Cleaning!
Media Contact for Triangle Green Cleaning:
Joe McCutcheon, Owner
Phone: 919-801-8588
Email: joe@trianglegreencleaning.com