Another Company Birthday, and a Rebirth
Posted on September 2nd, 2016 by Joe McCutcheon

If you had told me nine years ago that I’d be leading an award-winning company, run by people I not only respect but consider some of my greatest friends, and featuring hard-working, conscientious employees that customers just love, I’d have thought you were joking. Our company birthday always helps me to reflect.
Nine years. It’s been a long journey to get to this special point in the history of our company. We started out back in 2007. Back then, it was my wife, Amy, myself, a couple of sponges and a toilet brush. Now, in 2016, we’re changing our name to reflect a new mission. While we built our foundation of success here in the Raleigh-Durham area as Triangle Green Cleaning, it’s time for a name that signifies our goal of a cleaner, healthier world.
Now, we call ourselves Enovana Green Cleaning. Our customers and friends are already asking us what Enovana means. Well, Enovana has many meanings for us. It’s a rebirth of our brand, communicating the higher aims of our company. We strive for health and wellness for our customers with practices and products that are friendly to our planet. Enovana also expresses what grounds us, the relationships we have as a result of the neighborly, friendly approach of our cleaners and the welcoming homes where they are received each day.
This is a big move for us, as it allows us the opportunity to expand our branding beyond a local anchor, the place we call home. We will soon be offering Enovana green house cleaning franchise opportunities, so that we can take on partners around the country. We’ll be looking for people who want to advance a better way of doing the cleaning business. That better way includes leveraging all-natural cleaning products and environmentally-friendly business practices. It also includes social responsibility that’s centered on the people that should matter the most in any company—its employees. Better wages, better benefits, and better work/life balance for everyone involved in Enovana Green Cleaning.
When you do business the right way, as I’ve learned so many times from great mentors I had in the restaurant businesses years ago, you attract wonderful customers. I can’t thank our customers enough for the trust they place in our company, and better still the grace and hospitality they extend to our employees with every visit. At the end of the day, Enovana means family. From our family to yours.
Stay tuned to our new website, social media channels, and customer newsletter to learn more about the bright future ahead for Enovana Green Cleaning. Thank you for being a part of the journey. Thank you for celebrating another company birthday with us.
Media Contact for Enovana Green Cleaning:
Joe McCutcheon, CEO & Founder
Phone: 919-801-8588