So Many Reasons To Be Thankful
Posted on December 5th, 2015 by Enovana Green Cleaning

Last week, I was honored once again to participate in our annual Thanksgiving potluck. Like the meal’s intended purpose, I felt the need to reflect on all the things I’m thankful for with Triangle Green Cleaning.
I’m very appreciative of so many people that have inspired us at this company. It all starts with our customers, of course. It never ceases to humble me that hundreds of our neighbors in the Triangle welcome us into their homes each week. Our families have supported us in countless ways as we’ve built this business through the years.
Also instrumental in our growth have been many friends, especially our advisors and mentors—sometimes they have to rein us in a little, while other times they encourage us to be even bolder in our dreams for this business.
But it all came full circle for me, really, as I looked around the room at the managers and cleaners that make Triangle Green Cleaning so great. As we shared this meal together, I noted that we have grown to a size where we can say that our work family has attracted people from different parts of North Carolina, the USA, and even other countries. All of these people, from different backgrounds, cultures, and walks of life, unite as a team every day to deliver excellent service to our customers.
To say that they have passion for their work is an understatement. For many of them, it’s a labor of love, honoring the relationships they’ve built with their assigned families.
It thrills me that so many people can come together, put in an honest day’s work, and provide for their families. I never knew that would be the result of starting this company—I was only worried about feeding my own family back then! But I’m so thankful that together we can have an impact on so many people, providing a very basic service in many new and interesting ways.
All the best to you and your families this holiday season.
Media Contact for Triangle Green Cleaning:
Joe McCutcheon, Owner
Phone: 919-801-8588