We are open and serving you during COVID 19
Posted on March 20th, 2020 by Enovana Green Cleaning

At times like this, keeping things clean is more important than ever. We want you to know that we are here to serve you and let you know a little about what we are doing.
Here’s what Enovana is doing at your home
1) Using a disinfectant in bathrooms and kitchens
2) Cleaning all doorknobs
3) Requiring employees to use hand sanitizer before entering
4) Requiring employees to wear fresh gloves before entering
5) Requiring employees to wear masks
6) Requiring employees to wear fresh shoe covers before entering
Here’s what else Enovana is doing
1) Not allowing anyone to work who has a fever and/or is sick in general
2) Daily disinfecting of equipment and supplies
3) Restricting non-essential personnel in the office
4) Staggering arrival times for employees each morning
5) Installed more hand sanitizing stations in the office and in company cars
Here’s what some customers are doing if they are hesitant to have us clean
1) Temporarily self-isolating in a room that we will not clean. They hang out in there until we are done
2) Paying for their cleaning without having the service done
3) Leaving their home entirely while we are home
To see our pricing instantly and book line, click here.
To reach out to us and have someone follow up, here is our contact form.
We can also be reached at 919-801-8588 raleigh@enovanagreencleaning.com